The Wish List

Thursday 11 September 2014


What is genre?

Genre is a style or category of art, music, or literature, after looking at genre, Genre defines the type of film, it gives the audience a representation of hat to expect of that particular movie, before they make the decision of viewing it. For example if the genre was si-fi,immediately the audience would expect aliens, setting in outer space, powers.

In class, we then went away to make our own film posters for five different genres.(si-fi, horror,action,romance and comedy). we went into groups and only using the school grounds for resources we tried to be as creative as possible.


This photo was taken in the year 11 girl toilets. we turned the lights off to set the mood as scary and mysterious. however even though we turned all the artificial lights off, sadly the room was still quite light. we tried to use all the features you would expect a horror movie, a creepy character, the reflection through the mirror and the dark setting. these key features will help the audience detect the genre straight away. i think our photo went reasonably well considering the lighting issues.

Rom Com:

Our Romantic Comedy, went imposingly well due to the bright natural lighting which makes the picture look vibrant and happy. the colours of the shot also make it look more relaxed and humorous as the colours create an unrealistic effect. This picture truly sums up romance due two the couple lovingly holding hands with a flower wall behind them. this typical set up, could cross styles with films such as twilight when the couple are holding hands on a field.


Action was the most intresting shoot becuase we had lots of ideas and decided that action mostly relates to cars. due to this, we went to take our photo in the car park. the way shes posing is under the car to give a mysterious action effect. with the camera solely focusing on the girl, it makes the picture look more intreging. looking at what shes wearing, it doesnt look like a normal action film you would expect.

We found comedy, surprisingly difficult becuase and therefore our picture was least sucsessful becuase it has no real relevence to humour. However the grin on her face makes the photo look less serious and culd lead to a funny escape from somewhere. On the other hand, the high key lighting backs up the happy expression and mood of the film. If the lighting was any dimmer, the audience would be confused with the genre and might think it was a horror.

This picture creates the idea of alien life form and imediatly strikes the audiences attention. This picture was probably the most sucsessful due to our editing skills to create this alien figure. the mishaped eye is intended to make you feel uncomfortable, however its bright lighting shows its not filled with lots of dark scenes. This creepy, eary shot went as expected becuase its easiliy recognised as a Si-Fi film.

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