The Wish List

Thursday 23 October 2014

Preliminary Task

Self evaluation 

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?

I worked with Beth, Max and Katie in a group. We all split up and managed every task in smaller groups so that we could finish everything quicker and have more time to film the short film and edit more effectively. we all worked on the story board together on the first day, then we agreed on characters and then Katie and Max organised props and costumes whilst me and Beth sorted the script. this organisation worked really well because we finished all our planning by the end of the week and had a whole week for filming and editing.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use? 

We decided as a group that we would use storyboards to plan our sequences because they are easy to read and understand. storyboards enabled us to clearly figure out where we add in our camera shots, music and different types of lighting. this was useful because when it came to editing the short film, we instantly knew which order to put the clips into. on the other hand, when we split into smaller groups to take on different tasks, when me and Beth started planning out the script, all we had to do was decide what they were saying in each clip, which made the whole process even more quicker.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?

To complete this particular task, we used Beth's phone to complete the task because we found it more comfortable to use and it meant we could even film out of school. As a result, we also used Beth's phone for voice over recordings and the sound had very good quality. We also used pro premier to edit the footage, having more experience with this programme, I didn't have any problems adding transitions or any other features. 

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?

when planning the storyboard, i had to take into account where we were going to shoot these scenes. Admittedly when filming, we used one classroom but the next day when we needed to film back in that classroom, it was being used and we need to organise filming all the scenes again in a different classroom. So from then, we booked one to film in and got all the shots we needed. later on the week, another factor we had to take into account was editing the music and speech into the same clips without being confused on what you're supposed to be listening to, so i had to take into account that the background sound might need to be taken out because sometimes there's unnecessary noises that wont make the film run smoothly. 

5) How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently? What did others say about your production?

In my opinion, i thought that our short production went well due to the fact that we worked very well as a group, everyone contributed the same amount of work and because our communication was skills were good, we could all do our set tasks without worry. Some highlights in our clip are that we used a variety of filming shot. For example the tracking shot. What worked well was the graphic match, we used a picture of the drugs and then that picture led onto the flashback where you see the real drugs. However, to improve I would make the costumes more noticeable, for example the officer could wear a police badge to show her status. Also when in the interrogation room, I would use low key lighting to make the scene more dramatic. On the other hand, overall other thought that we made our genre clear and mysterious which is good feedback, considering our genre is crime and mystery.

6) What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing the rest of your foundation coursework, do you think? 

From completing this task, I have learnt how to use prezi and seen how effective presentations look when using them, this will help me when presenting further short films. I have also learnt more about using pro premier, I now know how to solve the problem of zoomed in clips. This will help me in the future when editing more clips. I've also took into account that in future film production even though phones are easier to use when filming, they're a lot less smooth and using a camera with a tripod would be a better option because the footage wont be wobbly. When planning any production, I should always use storyboards because they're the most effective way in planning out a video because it guides you with the rest of the tasks, such as the script.

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